Stuffitinme Dating Profile

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I am a 46 years old straight single man living in West Hollywood, California

Craving violation by Hairy Legged Generation Y Butch Tops who get off using sluts to satisfy their filthiest male cravings

My sexuality is defined by a perfectly balanced combination of this life's three N's. I'm nelly, noisey and nasty, the perfect ingredients for those bottoms looking to slut for incredibly nasty tops and wallow with them as they both sex filthy like brainless animals. In addition to being in a state of increasing nelliness when I am sexing, I have nipples which crave the type of stimulatiion needed by a girls nipples, but yet far more and attention that I am somewhat oversexed and like and during this activity as well as the occasions I agree to wear female articles of clothing you supply me (The most frequent request is girls still panties) As a great many queers with exadurated appetite demands I need extra nasty sessions (not vanilla)which always bring it's participants far greater levels of male pleasure attainment, allowing them to feed their innermost male cravings to a level of adequate male satisfaction.I have also developed a highly successful system to assist all my tops in achieving far greater plateaus of male pleasure attainment then they even dreamed possible,and without a falure since it's inception.Additionally I am proud to have gone to extreme lengths to insure all my tops would find my manhole the very tightest place they ever stuffed their throbbing weiners in and most of them attest to that very trait after each entry and pounding.

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